Welcome to the World of Espresso!
If you are a coffee snob you must know what Espresso is. But do you know there are 30 different types of Espresso drinks? I bet you haven’t heard of them all before.
Espresso is the most popular coffee drink in the World and the type of Espresso drinks ranges from bold and strong shots to sweet and creamy Lattes.
Espresso Drinks Chart
In case you’re like me and a coffee enthusiast, after reading this article you will certainly want to try all these popular types of Espresso drinks
To make it easier, save this chart and try them all one by one.

Types of Espresso Shots
There are four different types of espresso shots that can be prepared by altering the amounts of water and coffee. Each espresso shot has its own distinct flavor profile.
1- Solo Espresso shot
A Solo Espresso shot is the simplest espresso drink. The shot is brewed with 7 to 9 grams of ground coffee and 1 to 1.25 ounces of pressurized hot water.
Hot water passes through finely ground coffee beans, at a high pressure of 9-10 bars. This gentle yet sophisticated process works its magic, resulting in a beautiful layer of crema that forms atop the Espresso shot.
In Italy, the single Espresso shot holds significant popularity, so much so that when you order a “caffè,” it simply translates to receiving a single shot of espresso.

2- Doppio Espresso
A doppio espresso is essentially a double shot of espresso as the term “Doppio” means double in Italian. While a solo shot of espresso contains 1 ounce of coffee, a doppio espresso contains 2 ounces of concentrated coffee brewed using about 14-18 grams of finely ground beans.
The Doppio delivers the same concentrated and rich taste as a regular Espresso but with a larger serving size.
Doppio Shots are commonly used as the base for milk-based espresso drinks like cappuccinos, lattes or macchiatos as their intense coffee taste pairs nicely with milk without being subdued.

3- Lungo shot
“Lungo” means “Long” in Italian and is essentially an espresso shot that is brewed longer and with more water. Lungo shots are around 2-3 oz and are often brewed for 40 seconds, which is twice as long as a traditional espresso shot. Consequently, the drink has milder and less concentrated flavors and leaves a bitter aftertaste.
A typical Espresso has a coffee-to-water ratio of 1:2, while a lungo shot has a 1:3 ratio.
In terms of taste, Lungo is milder than Espresso, but more bitter due to its longer extraction time.

4- Ristretto
The Ristretto shot is a highly concentrated espresso prepared by reducing the water content to half while using the same amount of coffee grounds as regular Espresso. Typically, a Ristretto yields 15-20 mL (0.5-0.7 ounces) shot and has a coffee-to-water ratio of 1:1.
“Ristretto” literally means “restricting” in Italian and by ordering a ristretto shot you are asking Barista to limit the amount of water.
The Ristretto shots are known for their intense flavor and syrupy texture. It has a less bitter taste than regular Espresso because of the short brewing time.

Black Espresso Coffee Drinks
Black coffee, or coffee without any added milk, cream, or sweeteners, has its own allure that is admired by coffee lovers. Here are famous Black Espresso drinks.
5- Americano
An Americano is a classic coffee drink made by adding hot water to a shot of espresso. The ratio of Espresso to water is around 2 parts hot water and 1 part Espresso. Americano has a smooth and complex flavor profile and is a perfect choice for coffee lovers who prefer mild coffee with a rich taste.
Americano coffee was introduced to American soldiers stationed in Italy during World War 2 who didn’t like strong and concentrated traditional Italian espresso shots. The addition of hot water provides a milder and more approachable taste compared to a straight espresso shot.

6- Long Black
Long Black is essentially a copy of Americano “Diluted Espresso Drink” popular in Australia and New Zealand
But with a little difference!
In Long Black, an Espresso shot is poured over hot water contrary to Americano where hot water is poured over a Espresso. And the concentration of hot water is a little less in Long black compared to Americano.
Also Read: Long Black vs Americano

7- Espresso Macchiato
Espresso macchiato is made by adding a small amount of milk foam over an Espresso shot. The Italian word “macchiato” means “marked” or “stained,” which refers to Espresso stained with milk foam.
Espresso Macchiato is often confused with Latte Macchiatos or Starbucks flavored Drinks like Caramel Macchiato and Iced Macchiato which are highly sweet flavored and milky drinks with only a touch of coffee.
In contrast to cappuccinos and lattes, the macchiato contains only a light “stain” of milk that allows the espresso’s bold flavors to shine through.

8- Espresso Con Panna
Espresso Con Panna is an Italian coffee drink that translates to “espresso with cream.” As the name suggests, it is a shot of espresso topped with a dollop of whipped cream.
Espresso Con Panna has its roots in Italy, where coffee is an integral part of the culture (As everyone knows!).
It is a delicious and creamy coffee drink that has a strong espresso flavor with a rich and velvety texture. The whipped cream adds a subtle sweetness to the drink, which perfectly balances out the bitterness of the espresso.

9- Espresso Romano
Espresso Romano is a coffee drink made with a shot of espresso, a tart lemon slice or lemon juice, and a teaspoon of sugar. While similar to an espresso at first sip, the subtle citrus flavors imparted by the lemon peel set it apart with a bright, refreshing tone.
In Espresso Romano, the lemon adds a bright aroma and acidic note that balances out the intense coffee flavors of the espresso shot. It creates a unique, invigorating taste experience.

10- Red eye
Red Eye coffee, also known as a “Shot in the Dark,” is a simple but powerful coffee drink made by adding a single shot of espresso to a cup of drip coffee.
Think of it as an Americano, but in this case, you will add brewed coffee instead of just hot water.
Red eye Coffee refers to the reddening of the eyes caused by sleep deprivation or fatigue, and this ultra-caffeinated drink may help alleviate that.
The combination of the strong espresso and the milder drip coffee creates a drink that is both potent and flavorful.

11- Black eye
Black Eye Coffee is similar to Red Eye the only difference is it is prepared by adding a double shot of Espresso to regular drip coffee instead of a single shot.
As its name implies, Black Eye is known for its boldness and strong taste, making it an energizing choice for coffee addicts.
12- Dead eye or Green Eye
A dead eye also known as Green eye at Starbucks is made by adding not one, not two but by adding three shots of Espresso to a cup of freshly brewed coffee.
All these “Eyes Drinks” are highly caffeinated and can keep you awake all night. They can either be served as hot coffee or in iced form.
13- Laccino
Espresso Laccino is prepared by adding ice cubes over a single or double Espresso. So, it is essentially a cold form of Espresso.

14- Freddo Espresso
Freddo Espresso is a refreshing iced coffee delight from Greece. It is made by shaking double shots of espresso with ice to cool, then pouring it over ice cubes and served in a tall glass with a straw.
It can also be mixed with cold frothed milk to prepare Freddo Cappuccino.
The frothy texture of Freddo Espresso makes it a satisfying and invigorating choice, especially during the hot summer months. It has gained popularity both in Greece and internationally as a beloved iced drink.

15- Black Tie
Black Tie, also known as Thai iced coffee or Oliang, is a flavorful and popular drink originating from Thailand. It is a unique blend of Espresso shot, chicory, iced cubes, condensed milk, and Thai tea.
This is a refreshing and aromatic beverage that combines the boldness of coffee, the creaminess of milk, and the unique flavors of Thai tea.
16- Espresso Martini
The Espresso Martini is a classic coffee-based cocktail that seamlessly merges the intensity of espresso with the smoothness of vodka and the subtle sweetness of the coffee liqueur like Kahlua.
If you are a fan of both alcohol and Espresso then you must be fascinated by this alcohol-based espresso drink.
Espresso Martini is prepared by mixing 2 ounces of Vodka and 0.5 ounces of Kahlua with a freshly brewed shot of Espresso. The mixture is shaken vigorously with ice to create a frothy texture and strained into a chilled martini glass.

17- Cafe Corretto
Cafe Corretto is a traditional Italian coffee beverage that takes a shot of espresso and “corrects” it with a small amount of grappa or brandy, giving it complex flavors and a warming kick.
While Espresso Corretto is mostly commonly prepared with Grappa and Brandy, other spirits such as Rum, whisky, Bailey’s Irish Cream, or Coffee liqueurs can also be used.
Italian farmers are often attributed to the innovation of combining grappa or brandy with Espresso, as they have a long history of having a shot of their homemade spirits alongside a cup of strong coffee.
In most cafes, espresso and grappa are served separately, allowing you to mix them as you like.

Types of Espresso milk drinks
The fusion of rich, velvety milk and espresso forms the foundation for countless beloved coffee drinks. It’s no wonder why these drinks are so popular and universally loved.
Here are popular Milk-based Espresso drinks!
18- Cappuccino
A cappuccino is a hot coffee drink that is made of equal proportions of espresso, steamed milk, and milk foam. The drink is typically served in a small cup and is characterized by its rich and creamy texture, as well as its distinct three-layered appearance.
Cappuccino is a famous espresso drink and is widely liked all across the World.
It is believed that the first cappuccino was made in Viennese coffee houses in the 1700s. The drink then spread to Italy, where it was popularized by the Capuchin monks, who wore brown robes similar to the color of the cappuccino drink.

19- Dry Cappuccino
Dry Cappuccino is prepared in a similar way as Cappuccino. But as the name suggests it is dryer i-e it contains a lesser amount of steamed milk than a wet cappuccino.
Traditional Cappuccino holds an equal amount of Espresso, milk, and foam but in dry Cappuccino, the proportion of foam is higher.

Also Read: Wet vs Dry Cappuccino
20- Latte
Latte is a most popular milky coffee drink prepared with one or two shots of Espresso, a lot of steamed milk, and thin a layer of milk foam on top. As well as, there are many variations of Latte that can be made by adding Vanilla Syrup, Caramel sauce, Cocoa Powder, Chocolate Drizzle, Whipped Cream, etc.
Generally, a latte is made of a double shot of espresso (2 -2.5 oz), 6-10 oz of steamed milk, and 1 cm of foam and served in a 12 oz wide cup.
Latte is the most popular espresso-based drink in America. Starbucks and other specialty coffee shops popularized this drink by offering various flavorings and variations.

21- Piccolo Latte
Piccolo coffee also known as Piccolo Latte is a small strong coffee drink with milk. It is an Australian specialty that has gained popularity in recent years. The name “piccolo” means “small” in Italian, and this drink is the perfect option for coffee lovers who want a strong espresso flavor in a smaller serving size.
Piccolo lattes are prepared with a ristretto shot, which is around 20 mL instead of a standard Espresso shot. Its ratio is one part Ristretto and two parts milk
You can say Piccolo is just a small latte. It has strong coffee taste compared to traditional latte, and is not overpowered by the milk.

22- Latte Macchiato
Latte macchiato is popularized by Starbucks and contains a similar proportion of espresso, milk, and foam as in a traditional Latte.
The difference in Latte Macchiato is Espresso shot is poured at the top instead of milk. So, the first sip of Latte Macchiato will be strong and bitter instead of sweet and creamy as in a simple Latte.

23- Mocha
A Mocha is essentially a “Latte” flavored with chocolate. It’s also known as Caffe Mocha or Mochacchino. Traditionally it is prepared with a 1 to 3 ratio of Espresso to Milk, a small amount of microform on the top, and a few pumps of chocolate syrup or cocoa powder.
Mocha Coffee is a wonderful combination of coffee and chocolate that will make your taste buds dance with delight.
In some Mocha varieties, whipped cream and chocolate or cocoa powder are generously sprinkled on top, creating a truly luxurious cup of coffee.

24- Café Galao
Cafe Galao is a traditional coffee beverage originating from Portugal, which involves combining a shot of espresso with frothed milk. The term “Galao” is used to describe the tall glass in which the beverage is usually served.
Café Galao is very similar to Latte. The only difference is it has more milk than Latte.
In some regions of Portugal, Cafe Galao is prepared by steaming and blending the milk and espresso together in a pitcher. This unique method creates a smooth and consistent taste and texture throughout the entire drink.

25- Cortado
Cortado coffee is a popular milky espresso-based drink that originated in Spain. The word “Cortado” means “to cut” in Spanish which essentially means to cut the bitterness of Espresso with the addition of a small amount of milk. It’s made by combining a single or double shot of espresso with a small amount of steamed milk, usually in a 1:1 ratio.
Cortado is known for its delicate balance between the boldness of espresso and the smoothness of milk.
It offers a bolder flavor compared to a traditional cappuccino or latte, making it a popular choice for those who enjoy a more intense caffeinated experience with just a touch of milk.

26- Breve Coffee
Breve coffee is an espresso-based drink similar to lattes and cappuccinos that is prepared with steamed half-and-half or cream instead of regular milk. It results in a richer and creamy texture with a very sweet flavor profile compared to traditional latte. The word “breve” means “short” in Italian and refers to the small size of the drink.
Cafe Breve is served in a small glass similar to Cortado coffee and prepared with a double shot of Espresso and 2 ounces of Half and half milk.
Breve coffee can be enjoyed hot or cold, often topped with foam or a sprinkle of cocoa powder for a luxurious appearance.

27- Raf Coffee
Raf coffee is a sweet espresso-based drink that combines the rich and bold flavor of espresso with the creamy sweetness of condensed cream and Vanilla syrup, creating a dessert-like hot coffee delight.
Raf Coffee originated in Russia and it is very popular in Russia and countries which were previously USSR.
Unlike Europe, Sweet coffee is generally popular in Russia, with many Russians enjoying their caffeinated beverage with some degree of sweetness. This is reflected in the popularity of Raf coffee, which contains a lot of sugar.

28- Cafe Affogato
Affogato coffee is the perfect combination of two Italian favorites: espresso and gelato. The word “affogato,” means “to drown” in Italian, and it refers to “drowning” ice cream in a hot espresso shot. It is a perfect blend of hot and cold, bitter and sweet flavors that create a unique taste experience.
Traditionally, vanilla gelato is used, but you can use any ice cream flavor of your choice.
Affogato coffee has become an increasingly popular dessert in coffee shops and restaurants around the World and for a good reason.

29- Marocchino
Marocchino Coffee is a chocolaty espresso-based drink made by blending espresso, chocolate, cocoa powder, and milk, and served in a small glass. It is a popular coffee drink that originated in Italy’s Piedmont region and the name “Marocchino” comes from an Italian word which means “Moroccan”.
Marocchino coffee is a chocolate lover’s dream come true. Chocolate and espresso blended with just a touch of milk make for a sweet and bitter indulgent taste.

30- Bicerin
Bicerin coffee is a layered beverage made with three ingredients: espresso, hot chocolate, and milk foam. On the bottom, there is freshly brewed espresso, followed by a thick layer of hot chocolate milk, and on top, there is frothed milk foam.
The word “Bicerin” is derived from the Italian word “Bicchiere,” which means “glass.”
Bicerin is a classic Italian coffee recipe that is believed to have originated in the 18th century from Caffe Al Bicerin in Turin, Italy. This Cafe is still present to this date, so if you wanna try real classy Caffe Bicerin you can there.

Final Thoughts
And there you have it, my espresso-obsessed friends – all the amazing ways you can dress up and enjoy your rich and intense espresso shot (or shots!)
From smooth cappuccinos to creamy lattes to the classic straight-up shot, we covered the delicious diversity of espresso drinks you can order up or create yourself with your espresso machine at home.
Beyond personal preference, espresso drinks hold cultural significance.
Whether I’m savoring a traditional Italian espresso, indulging in Russian Raf Coffee, or relishing a refreshing Greek Freddo Espresso, these beverages have a way of bringing people together, transcending borders and cultural divides.
What’s your go-to espresso drink of choice? Let me know in the comments which types you gulp down on the regular or if you have a special custom espresso order I should try out!
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