What is the difference between light and dark roast coffee?

Light vs Dark Roast Coffee

The main difference between Light roast and dark roast coffee is that light roasts are roasted at lower temperatures for shorter period highlighting the natural, bright flavors of the coffee bean while dark roasts are roasted at higher temperatures for longer period which brings out deeper and richer flavors. Coffee lovers, it’s time to shed … Read more

Why is Espresso Puck Too Wet?

Espresso puck is wet

The top reasons why your Espresso puck is too wet are using uneven or wrong grind size, not distributing or tamping the coffee grounds properly in the portafilter, using fewer coffee grounds, or using the wrong portafilter basket. A dry and consistent puck is one of the most important aspects of a good cup of … Read more

What is Espresso Channeling And How to Fix it?

What is Espresso Channeling

One critical aspect of espresso brewing that can make or break the final shot is channeling. Espresso channeling is a common problem that occurs when the water flowing through the coffee grounds finds a path of least resistance and creates channels, resulting in an uneven extraction and an imperfect shot. But fear not, with a … Read more

What is the difference between Drip coffee and Espresso

Espresso vs Drip Coffee Know The Differences

The main difference is Drip coffee involves slowly filtering water through ground coffee in an automatic drip machine or manual pour-over. This process produces a mellow and smooth coffee drink. And Espresso is pressurized brewing methods that quickly extract a concentrated shot from finely ground beans, resulting in an intense coffee with crema on top. … Read more

15 Amazing Espresso Health Benefits

Best Health Benefits Of Espresso

Let’s talk about Espresso, one of my personal favorite drinks. I am sure you’ll like learning about why is Espresso good for you Espresso has benefits besides merely providing a quick caffeine boost, though. Research has revealed that drinking espresso and other types of coffee in moderation can have a number of health advantages. For instance, … Read more

How to tamp Espresso and Why is it important?

how to tamp espresso

Tamping is the method to properly level the surface of coffee grounds on the portafilter so that all the coffee grounds get extracted completely and evenly. Tamping the Coffee grounds in the portafilter is an art. You should master that art if you want the best from your shot of Espresso. Key Takeaways If you … Read more

Moka Pot vs Espresso Machine | (Is it a Good Alternative?)

Moka Pot vs Espresso Machine

Coffee lovers are always on the hunt for the perfect cup of Joe. And when it comes to choosing between a Moka Pot vs Espresso machine, the debate gets intense. While both Moka Pot and Espresso machines produce strong, flavorful coffee, the brewing process and resulting taste profiles are different. Key Takeaways First of all, … Read more

What country has the Best Coffee?

What Country Has The Best Coffee

Ethiopia produces one of the best coffee in the world. Those beans are just phenomenal – fruity, smooth, and with a nice bright acidity. Panama, Colombia, and Hawaii are also up there for top-notch coffee-growing regions. There’s no single “best” coffee country, though! Taste is subjective, and different regions excel in different aspects. Coffee is … Read more

What is Short Black Coffee and How to make it?

Short black is a small and concentrated 30 mL shot of coffee, with a high coffee-to-water ratio of around 1:2. Short Black Coffee or simple short coffee is the name used in Australia and New Zealand for Italian Espresso shots. Despite its diminutive size, a short black coffee is well-known for its powerful flavor and … Read more

How Much caffeine in a Cup Of Coffee (A guide to All Factors!)

Complete Guide to Coffee Caffeine Content

A Regular 8 oz cup of coffee contains almost 80-120 mg of caffeine. However, the caffeine content can vary depending on factors like the variety of coffee beans, the amount of beans you use, the roast style, and the brewing method. Do you know what makes coffee addictive? Yes! It’s the caffeine content present inside … Read more