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Cappuccino Recipe

Here's a simple and quick recipe for Cappuccino
Total Time: 10 minutes
Servings: 1
Author: Johny Morrisson


  • Espresso machine
  • Milk Frother


  • 14-16 grams Coffee grounds Dark Roasted Coffee beans are preferable
  • 120-150 mL Whole Milk Whole 2% Milk is preferred, however you can also use skimmed milk, oat milk or soy milk depending on your preference
  • Sugar or Sweeteners (Optional)
  • Cocoa Powder (Optional)


  • Grind 14-16 grams of fresh coffee beans and prepare a double shot of espresso.
  • Steam and froth the milk in a milk pitcher using a milk frother until it reaches a temperature of around 150°F.
  • Pour the freshly brewed espresso shot into a cappuccino cup. Pour the steamed milk into the cup until it's about 2/3 full while holding back the foam with a spoon. Spoon the milk foam on top to create a thick, velvety layer. If desired, sprinkle some cocoa powder, cinnamon, or chocolate shavings on top of the foam.
  • Enjoy your homemade cappuccino while it's hot and fresh!